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Diversity & Inclusion Commitments

We believe that Diversity & Inclusion should be seen, heard and felt across Bauer UK. This is what we’re doing as a business to support all our people and teams.

Belonging at Bauer is Bauer’s approach to diversity and inclusion and is focused on ensuring that Bauer is a great place to do great work for all. A number of commitments have been made to ensure that we are all contributing to making Bauer and even more inclusive place to work.

Diversity & Inclusion Commitments

The commitments fall under 4 key pillars:

1. Recruit  2. Educate  3. Support  &  4. Celebrate


A. Measuring diversity in our recruitment and our teams 

In 2020 we rolled out a new process around recruitment to track the diversity of applicants for roles to enable us to ensure a representative pool of candidates are considered and to also track progress on becoming a workforce more reflective of the communities we engage with through our audio, print and digital products and consumer events. All recruitment will follow this new process.

B. Improving our identification of talent from ethnic minority communities

All our recruitment suppliers have also been asked to sign up to our recruitment supplier charter, and we will only partner with suppliers who support our objectives around inclusive hiring. We have also introduced tailored hiring manager guidance and support to ensure that they are best positioned to identify the best most diverse talent. Our recruitment teams are empowered to challenge hiring managers to explore new sources of talent and to ensure that all applicants have an equally positive experience.

C. Improving our identification of talent from minority communities

We have signed the Social Mobility Pledge, which provides a framework for outreach to unprivileged communities, and seeks to provide access and recruitment opportunities to boost social mobility.

D. Supporting schemes that increase the diversity of talent for media

We have renewed our support and funding for schemes that specialise in training under-represented individuals.


E. Educating all our people to improve our recruitment process.

We are currently running virtual inclusive recruitment workshops to educate our people on unconscious bias and what ally-ship means. The workshop is available as a series of video podcasts and is mandatory learning for all our hiring managers. We had a high uptake for the first session this week and two further sessions are available. All recruitment will be signed off by Dee Ford and Chris Duncan and no one will be able to interview and recruit if they have not attended this training.

F. Educating ourselves on what we can do to help this programme

All colleagues are expected to complete our Diversity and Inclusion module to ensure that they have a bassline knowledge of diversity and inclusion, that will be built on during their time at Bauer.


G. Upholding our People Code of Conduct

Our People Code of Conduct, that all employees are obligated to sign, states that we stand by a culture in which diversity is appreciated and supported, where opportunities are open to all, where people treat each other with respect and expect to get the same in return. We must continue to encourage each other to speak up, or call it out, if a colleague is not living up to these standards.

H. Protecting our mental health

We will continue to offer support and guidance around mental health and wellbeing for all our people and line managers. We have a mental health hub on Teams that signposts useful resources, Mental Health First Aiders that you can reach out to, and all our people have access to a 24-hour Employee Assistance Programme.

I. Standing in solidarity with external movements

We will continue to use the power of our brands to support causes which reflect our values.


J. Celebrating our role models

We will shine a light on the people who make diversity and inclusion come to life at Bauer, ensuring that they are recognised for their contribution. 

K. Celebrating Cultural Events

We take pride in celebrating the cultural events that are important to all our people, as captured in our cultural calendar.