Latest Ofcom report diversity and equal opportunities in radio
Today, Ofcom have published their latest report on diversity and equal opportunities in radio.
The report appreciates and encourages the commitment we have demonstrated towards increasing our diversity. However, we still have much to do if we are to achieve our goal of achieving a workforce which is representative of the communities we serve.
We are very aware of our challenges. We must increase the proportion of our workforce from a BAME background, a community which remains significantly under-represented at Bauer. We also have a continuing challenge around the number of women in our programming teams and in senior management.
We are acting to improve our representation.
We are rolling out a new process around recruitment to change the way we attract and recruit new people into Bauer. This extends to the ways we develop and progress our people. We want to ensure Bauer is a great place to do great work for all.
You can read full report here.